Metro Life Fitness Recommendation:

 Vibram Fivefingers

Running Barefoot

Imagine stepping out for a run without any shoes on - It's called barefoot running, and it's an emerging trend in the running and fitness industries.

For most people, running barefoot goes against conventional wisdom. Besides the "freeing" feeling of kicking off your shoes, what's so compelling about this fitness trend?
It turns out that despite advances in shoe technology meant to make running safer and more efficient, running injuries remain high. Avid barefoot runners claim that the answer to cutting down on injury and revving up running efficiency may not involve shoes at all.


"Most people have generally weak feet," says David Weck, a barefoot runner and creator of the BOSU Balance Trainer. "Running shoes actually let you get away with lazier running mechanics," he says.
The theory behind barefoot running and walking is that it makes feet stronger, which leads to an overall stronger, more mobile and better functioning body.When you consider how our feet are meant to function, the benefits of barefoot running and walking become more obvious.

Stronger Feet
"Our feet evolved to interface with a variety of surfaces, and shoes almost completely eliminate that function of the foot," says Anthony Carey, M.A., a corrective exercise specialist, author of The Pain Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain, and CEO of Function First.
Running barefoot helps your feet - and body - experience more varied terrain, which requires varied responses from the ankles and feet. The result? Running barefoot can strengthen and improve how feet and the ankles function - a benefit that transfers to the entire body.
"The job of the foot is to absorb shock and enable the body to move forward," says Justin Price, M.A., who specializes in assessing and correcting neuromuscular and structural imbalances at his facility The BioMechanics.
"The arch support in shoes takes away the ability of the foot to be strong," Price says. When you eliminate the foot's ability to properly absorb shock - because shoes do it for them - that shock tends to shift upwards to the ankles, hips, knees and spine.

Better Running Efficiency
Another benefit of barefoot running is that "it creates better running efficiency because it helps you hold your body in the best position and alignment possible," says Weck.
Some barefoot runners says this type of improved running economy reduces fatigue while running.

By Amanda Vogel, MA human kinetics